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2019 Thankful, Grateful & Hopeful

Another year has swiftly come and gone. It’s on a day like today that one reflects on where we’ve been and where we’re headed. As I look back on 2019, I’m reminded of the wicked “roller coaster” ride I took. There were highs and lows. There were twists and turns that could turn the most seasoned roller coaster rider “green.”

Though my 2019 wasn’t one that I’d like to relive anytime soon (or ever). It doesn’t mean that I’m not thankful, grateful or hopeful. 2019 taught me to be thankful for the things that really matter in one’s life; family and friends. When times get tough it’s the people around you that matter the most.

It’s the people in one’s life that make it fruitful. Now don’t get me wrong, there are people in one’s life that are toxic and those people need to move onto “other pastures” and leave people alone. But I really do believe that people are in one’s life for: a reason, a season or a lifetime.

Sometimes those toxic people are in one’s life for a reason to either teach us something, or steer us ‘towards’ or ‘away from’ certain things in our lives. Other ‘reason people’ help to kick start our lives down a path to fulfillment and purpose. But whatever their reason for being in our lives, we need to take the time to understand the why, deal with the how and chart a path of our own accord. I’m thankful for the “reason” people in my life. They’ve taught me a lot this year. They’ve taught me more about the person I truly want to become; once I figure out this whole “adult thing.” 🙂

The ‘season’ people are ones that have left a lasting impression on me; body, mind and soul. For better or worse, they have shaped my view of the world, my life, my home and my heart. They have been helpful and hurtful. They’ve opened my eyes and helped develop me into the person I am today, and who I want to be in the future. 2019’s ‘season’ people have been no exception. Some have cut-me-deep and will leave emotional scars that will take a long time to heal and fade. They’ve left me jaded as to the cruelty of this world. But in the same breath, there have been ‘season’ people that have helped to restore my faith (a little) in humanity. That there really are good people out there that care about the truth and have faith in humankind and this world.

Though I’m thankful for the ‘reason and season’ people in my life (yes, the good and bad ones)… I’m truly thankful for the ‘lifetime’ souls that are a part of my life. These beautiful souls are family, friends and friends-that-are-family. They are there in one’s darkest moments with a caring ear, a hand to hold and a kind word of encouragement. Even when communications may have been sparse over the years, when a “call-to-action” arises… the ‘lifetime soul’ is there to be part of your pack, your herd, your flock… to help you get through it all.

So I’m thankful for the people in my life. And I’m grateful for the small miracles that have happened. Even though these miracles could be misconstrued as “bad” or “terrifying,” I’ve chosen to look upon them with a grateful heart because it helps to process the situation and look at the positive side…. because things can always be worse.

Though 2019 has been a roller coaster ride, with less than stellar results, I’m still hopeful for the future. I don’t want to look at 2019 as a “dreaded year” that carried on into 2020. I don’t want it to become a metaphorical prison for my heart and my thoughts. I’m using it as a catalyst to create a hopeful 2020. I’ve consciously let go of the anger, the heartbreak, the sadness and have moved to focusing on a path forward to gain peace in my heart and mind, cherish the ones that matter the most, live in the moment and have a more positive attitude for the future.

As we start off the New Year, definitely take the time to reflect on the past, but don’t let it hold you back in creating your “most perfect” year in 2020. As the English Proverb says, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” But it all begins with you. And I know I’m making the conscious effort to put 2019 in the past and strive to hit 2020 running on all cylinders to make it the best year yet. And that is my wish for you too.

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