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Water Woes No More! Ceramic Watering Plugs to the Rescue!

Have you ever had this happen: you bring home the most beautiful plant full of blooms, smells wonderful or you start some herbs in a container to use for cooking. All goes well for the first couple weeks…. you water, prune, fertilize… basically give your new “baby” a great start. Then life gets in the way. Between your job, family, extra curricular activities, kids, sports, volunteering in the community, you get busy. Slowly you forget to prune or fertilize your “baby.” Then you forget to water! Yikes! Next thing you know… your new plant baby is dead. Sigh.

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Or you do the opposite… You give it too much water… too much fertilizer or you just can’t seem to get the right amount of fertilizer and water to your plant no matter what you do. Your hopes and dreams , and green thumb, are slowly fading away into the “black hole” of the garbage can. Since that’s where your plant’s going when it dies. Ugh. A person just can’t win some days.

But what if I told you there was a way to help out with the watering and fertilizing that was both easy for your and good for your plants? What if I told you that your plants would be healthier, thrive and you could save water in the process? And that it costs very little to start. Would you be interested? I think you would.

The opening of this story; that was me. I had started my plants, brought home an orange container tree, and after the “newness” wore off and life came crashing in… we… my plants were on the verge of hitting the “black hole” of the garbage can really quickly. One plant I watered too much, the next plant practically died of dehydration and all my plants were withering where they laid. I had to do something, but what?

I needed any easy, almost fool-proof way to water my plants that could accommodate my very busy schedules. Especially during the very dry, winter months of hockey season! So off to Google to see what I could come up with. I looked at DIY plant spikes that attached to water bottles, and more. There always seemed to be a drawback, they didn’t always work, or the water reservoir was too small. And having to fill a water reservoir too many times a week wasn’t going to work for me. On the flip side, there were some products that had water reservoirs that were so big I’d need a separate table, just for the water reservoir. I just needed something in between.

I searched and searched. Then one day I found these ceramic waterers on Amazon. They seemed easy to use. I could use my own recycled water reservoir. The water was focused more at the roots. And I could even add liquid fertilizer. Sounds good, right? Well it was good. In fact it was better than good. It was great!

I ended up ordering a set of Hestya Ceramic Waterers and once they arrived I immediately set off to get them installed. These Ceramic Waterers were great! It took me seconds to unpack them and uncoil the water line. I soaked the Ceramic Waterers in a bucket for 15 minutes to completely hydrate the ceramic. Once they were good and wet, I placed them in my pots. I then opened the top cover on the Ceramic Waterer and “pre-filled” it with water to start the wicking process. Then I put the water lines in my containers and filled up the containers with water. Once the water container was filled and the lines were in, I put the caps back on the Ceramic Waterers. This way the excess air is “pushed” out of the water lines. Many times you’ll hear the air bubbles in the water container. Which is a good sign. Not mandatory, but good.

Hestya Plant Automatic Waterer
Hestya Watering Stakes Automatic Watering System, Plant Self Drip Irrigation Slow Release for Indoor or Outdoor Houseplants

One thing to do is to ensure you always keep the water bucket full for the next couple days. I was amazed at how fast, and dry, my container plants were. But after a day or two, they leveled off. If you every run into a dry, ceramic waterer, just refill the water bucket and Ceramic Waterers and get the “burp” from the water line. Easy Peasy!

I really love my Hestya Ceramic Waterers . I’ve finally been able to grow lemongrass indoors and my orange trees have exploded with blooms and 6+ inches of new growth in just under a week. I even took a quick video (see below) of my ceramic waterers in action. I just love these little things! And by the way, I put green tea bags in my water reservoirs to help give my plants a little extra “kick.” I’ve even put leftover stale beer in the jugs to give them a Vit B12 shot. Though truth be told… stale leftover beer rarely happens in this house! 🙂

My Hestya Automatic Waterers in Action!

It’s been amazing to watch. I can even go 2-3 weeks without having to refill my apple juice jugs that I use for the Hestya Ceramic Waterers. The jugs are clear, so it’s easy to see which ones need water. About the only thing I don’t like is the water lines can be a little short if you have plants in bigger pots, or have a taller water bucket the short lines just don’t work well. But I’ve got a “hack” I’m working on to resolve that issue. More to follow. Plus, I’m going to see how these work to keep my deck plants alive while on vacation during the “dog days” of summer. I’ll keep you posted on that too!

If you’re like me and need a hand keeping your container plants alive and thriving, give these Ceramic Waterers a try. You’ll love them! You can pick up a set at Amazon for a little over $1 a piece! Hestya Ceramic Waterers…. definitely worth buying!

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